📆Allocations and Vesting

5% to Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool
Shuffle will be allocating 50 million tokens to a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP). This LBP will be used to create the initial liquidity for SHFL on-chain. The USDC raised from the LBP will be used to seed the initial liquidity for the SHFL-USDC Pool, which will be live after the completion of the LBP.
The LBP concluded on March 13th, 2024 hosted on Bazaar. 46,849,322.43 SHFL was allocated to the SHFL LP, SHFL distributed in the LBP and Bazaar hosting fees. 3,150,677.57 was returned to the SHFL treasury.
10% to Airdrop 1
Airdrop 1 will be given to Shuffle users who played in the first 12 months of launch, with a goal of rewarding those who were early adopters of the platform. This airdrop will undergo a 3 month linear vest (claimable as soon as each token unlocks) beginning in March 2024, with 20% unlocked and available immediately. Airdrop 1 will additionally feature a Wager-to-Vest program for users, and will be distributed following the end of the LBP.
9% to Airdrop 2
Airdrop 2 will have a wider distribution of users than Airdrop 1, and will incorporate wager and affiliate volumes as key allocation factors, amongst other variables that will be revealed closer to the snapshot date. All volume post-Airdrop 1 will be counted towards Airdrop 2 until the snapshot is taken.
9% to Airdrop 3
Airdrop 3 will reward loyalty to the Shuffle platform and is based on user VIP levels. More details on this airdrop will be released at a later point.
8.8% to Early Contributors
8.8% of the token supply has been allocated to early contributors of the Shuffle platform. These contributors include angel investors and strategic private investors who were key to Shuffle’s early development and long-term growth. This allocation has a 6-month cliff followed by a 36-month linear vesting schedule.
25% to Team
Allocated tokens have been granted to current Shuffle team members, with an allocation reserved for future team incentives. This allocation has a 6-month cliff followed by a 36-month linear vesting schedule.
31.2% to Treasury
The Treasury allocation will be used to fund partnerships and sponsorships, host giveaways, and other programs to improve the SHFL ecosystem. Additionally, the Treasury may be used to backstop bets placed in SHFL if necessary. This will be allocated strategically, and only the necessary portion will be emitted as circulating supply if the initial SHFL bankroll diminishes.
Full discretion is given to the team to allocate this portion of the treasury supply, with the ultimate goal of distributing unallocated tokens to users through additional incentive programs and bonusing.
The true circulating supply of SHFL will always be available from the Token Dashboard.
2% to Liquidity Mining Programs
2% of the SHFL supply will be allocated to a liquidity mining program to bring enhanced liquidity to the SHFL pool once live. Liquidity mining was suspended on the launch of the SHFL Lottery, and the SHFL has been reallocated to the treasury.

The initial circulating supply will be 71,126,984.56 SHFL. Further circulating supply will be the result of vested airdrops and liquidity mining, with team and early contributor tokens entering the circulating supply on a longer timeframe. Community supply in the chart above accounts for vested airdrops, liquidity mining and anything sold in the LBP. The total supply of SHFL will be 1,000,000,000 decreasing with each subsequent Buyback and Burn. The max supply of SHFL is 1,000,000,000. Initial circulating supply can vary depending on factors related to the LBP, liquidity mining claims as well as SHFL returned to the house.
Wagering with SHFL on the Shuffle platform and the buyback-and-burn will result in the total supply reducing over time.
Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool
Immediately liquid once claimed.
Varies, see Airdrop Campaigns for more details.
Early Contributors
6-month cliff followed by 36-month vesting.
6-month cliff followed by 36-month vesting.
Vested on TGE, not circulating.
Liquidity Mining
Vested over 3 years.
Last updated